Finn and Storm Character Designs
Finn and Storm Full
Title: Finn & Storm Character Designs

Finn and Storm are a fishing duo of characters I designed and created. They were created after I was inspired after playing the game In Stars and Time, which I based the artstyle off of.

Finn and Storm represent a character archetype of small town fishers who look like fishers as well. Finn has many design elements that are taken right from his fishing gear such as his rope belt, and his earring being a fishing hook. Meanwhile Finn wears a barreltop as a hat, sourced almost certainly from a fish barrel.

Finn and Storm have been side by side since Storm was a puppy. They've spent their lives on the sea, enjoying their days fishing. When neccessary Finn can even use his fishing rod in battle, and in a pinch Storms hat makes a decent shield too.